Selling your gold and silver is much easier than many people realize! You don't have to deal with online gold buyers to do so, either. Instead, stop looking for a potential buyer, and stop by our pawn and jewelry shop today. We'll explain the whole process to you and offer you great service while you're here. There's no reason to keep wondering how to sell your gold and silver today, when you can visit us and take care of the sale in no time.

Where Can You Sell Gold and Silver?
You can sell silver and gold to the right precious metal buyer. Some will make you an offer on the melt value of either gold or silver, which works well in some cases, like if you're selling bullion or broken items. However, in some cases, it's better to work with a buyer who will look more at the full picture.
Basically, depending on what you have, it might be worth more than the melt value. A rare gold or silver coin might be worth significantly more than its melt value alone, for example. The same is often true for a gold watch or a nice piece of silver jewelry.
For best results, get your first offer by visiting us, your local jeweler and gold buyer, to have your gold and silver items assessed. If it turns out that your items are only worth their melt value, we'll weigh them out and make you a great offer, based on the current spot price. If you bring something more valuable in -- such as in the form of coins, antique jewelry, or high-end jewelry -- we'll base our fair price offer off of more than the value per troy ounce. When working with pawn and jewelry stores like Greenbrier Pawn, you'll often get more for gold rings and other nice gold and silver items.
What Types of Gold and Silver Items Can You Sell?
Pawn and jewelry shops like Greenbrier Pawn buy all sorts of gold and silver items. If you have something made from either gold or silver, you can put more money in your bank account by stopping by and getting an offer. We'll pay you the most cash today!
Sell Your Gold
Buying gold is one of the top goals of many pawn shops, including ours. We are the best place to sell different types of gold, including:
Yellow gold
White gold
Rose gold
Wondering what types of items we pay top gold prices for? These are a few things to check your jewelry box and home for:
Gold bullion
Gold coins
Gold nuggets
Gold jewelry items
Gold bars
Dental gold
Scrap gold
Broken gold jewelry
Bring any or all of these items in to us as your buyer of gold, and we'll pay you extra cash on the spot!
Sell Your Silver
Silver is a more common material than you might realize; not only is it commonly used for making coins and jewelry, but it's even commonly used in the photography industry. It's also commonly used in electronics. There's a good chance you have silver lying around that could fetch you top dollar. These are some of the silver items we pay a high purchase price for every day:
Silver fine jewelry
Silver coins
Sterling silver flatware
Broken silver jewelry
Silver bullion
Are you wondering how much you will be paid for these items? Bring them in, and we'll take a look. There's zero obligation, and you'll get a free estimate. Stop in and work with us to get a better deal!
Precious metals are worth more than many people think. If you have unwanted scrap gold, gold jewelry, silver jewelry, and other precious metals lying around, you could be sitting on a great opportunity for some cash, all without even realizing it. If you want to sell all of your silver and gold items at one time, all while making sure that you get the highest price, it's easy -- just visit us at Greenbrier Pawn Shop & Jewelry. There's never any reason to visit anyone else for express gold cash when we offer a free estimate, a fast process, and great customer service during our normal business hours. We buy gold & silver every day, so visit your local pawn shop today!