Pawn loans are great for people with bad credit or people who worry about their credit score being impacted by a loan. After all, with a typical pawn loan from Greenbrier Pawn Shop & Jewelry, you never have to worry about us checking your credit history or reporting to the credit bureaus. You can borrow cash today without sharing your bank account information, credit score, employment history, or income. Pawn shops like ours have decades of experience sharing these quick cash loans, so skip the credit card or payday loans, and come to us instead!
No Credit Check Loans | There's Never a Credit Check for Pawn Loans
When applying for a personal loan, you are probably accustomed to having to share your social security number so the lender can run your credit score. This is true with most banks, credit unions, and financial institutions. You might not have even thought it was possible to take out a loan without a credit check, but it is! Just try a pawnshop loan, and we will never check your credit score at all. Have no credit? No problem. Have a lot of unpaid debts on your credit report? We'll never even know about it. We'll grant you a cash loan in the form of a collateral loan regardless.
Not only is this a good thing if you have poor credit, but it's helpful if you are in a hurry and want to get your loan as fast as possible, too! After all, since all we base our loan offer on is the value of the high-value items that you bring in, you don't have to wait for us to run your credit score or look over an application. The whole process of taking out a loan from us takes a surprisingly short amount of time, since we have decades of experience with valuing various types of valuable items and making loan offers. You'll have your pawn ticket and cash in-hand in no time when you choose us as your lender when you need extra cash.
Your Credit is Never Impacted by Our Chesapeake Pawn Loans
​With bank loans and various other loans, you do have to worry about your credit being impacted in various ways. For one thing, if the lender does a "hard pull" on your credit, this can actually reduce your score by a few points. This might not be a big deal for some people, but if you're in the process of buying a house and need your score to be as high as possible, or if you're working on building your score, it matters.
Additionally, if you default on your loan for any reason, it doesn't affect your credit. Some people decide that the items that they brought in as collateral for our financial products are actually unwanted items that they don't care to get back. If that's the case, just forfeit your items, and forget about repaying the loan. It's no problem. There will be zero negative impact on your credit score if you choose this option.
If you aren't able to repay your pawn loan on the due date, you have a few options. Providing for the needs of the customer is our number one goal, so if you need extra time to repay the full amount of money you borrowed, just let us know. We'll extend your loan if you simply pay the interest and fees already owed, and you'll have more time to pay your loan and get your gold jewelry, sporting goods, musical instruments, or other items of value back. Even if you still aren't able to repay your pawn transaction, we'll just keep your item of value and clear the loan with no credit score impacts. It's a great way to borrow money without ever having to worry about your financial future being affected.
If you're wondering if it's a good idea to take out one of our pawn loans, we think you'll be impressed by just how fast, easy, and convenient it really is. How much you borrow is all based on the value of the stuff you bring in, so you even get to choose your loan amount...whether you're interested in the average amount of a pawn shop loan (about $150), small loan amounts, or a much bigger loan. We help with it all, and loan anywhere from $5 to $50,000. Still aren't sure if one of our loans is right for you when you need extra money? There's no obligation, so you can bring in your items of value, let our in-store experts make you a loan offer, and decide from there. We're also more than happy to answer your questions, so stop by or give us a call at 757-382-9066 today!