A pawn shop loan is an option when you're looking to take out easy personal loans without the high fees or higher interest rates. If you're new to these short-term loans, you might be curious...what, exactly, is a pawn shop loan? Well, put simply, it's a type of collateral-based loan that you take out from your local pawn shop. Your loan amount is secured by the valuable items you bring in as collateral, and when repayment is made to your local pawn broker, you'll get your item back. If you're looking for quick cash loans -- even without a good credit score -- we invite you to skip the conventional loan options and come see us instead. Once you see how fast, easy and beneficial pawn transactions can be, we think it will be your new favorite way to borrow money!
Visit Your Trusted Local Pawn Shop for a Pawn Shop Loan
Pawn shop loans are collateral loans on diamond jewelry and other items of value. If you're wondering where to go to take out one of these loans, we invite you to visit the best Hampton Roads pawn shop, Greenbrier Pawn. We are experts in granting these types of loans...we've been the go-to pawn shop loan providers in Chesapeake since 1996, and we'd love to help you! We make fast loan offers, we make bigger loan offers & our staff are always happy to answer your questions and guide you through the pawn loan process!
A Pawn Shop Loan is a No Credit Check Loan Option
The loan process is a lot more difficult for people who have bad credit...at least, that's the case with many loans. We don't care about your credit record here at Greenbrier Pawn. You can take out a top dollar loan against a piece of jewelry, video game consoles, musical instruments or other items of value on the spot with one of our fast cash loans, and we never check with the credit bureaus at all. We also don't report to the credit bureaus if you default on your loan. Skip the traditional loan options if you want fast access to cash when you need it the most. Dealing with the pawn industry is a good idea for anyone who wants to take out an easy loan with bad credit.
No Income or Employment Verification, No Application
Worried about the hassle of filling out an application to apply for cash advances or some other type of short-term loan? Concerned that you won't get approved for a loan because you haven't had your job for very long, or because you don't have a high income? There is no income verification, no employment verification, and no application to be filled out. Just bring some government form of identification (such as your Virginia driver's license), and some form of collateral. That's it!
Now that you know a little more about these financial products, you might be interested in taking out an average pawn shop loan to get some extra cash. When your emergency fund is dry or you just want to put a little more cash in your pocket, let us help you. You choose the amount of money you borrow -- we're your local collateral loan brokers, and we'd love to loan you instant cash, from small amounts of money to the highest dollar amount of $50,000!