When you sell a firearm, the amount you get paid is probably one of your primary concerns. You might have spent a lot of money on your firearm collection, and you probably want to recoup as much of your investment as possible. Maybe you’re in a tight spot financially and need to gather up as much cash as you can. Either way, you can sell a firearm for more money at Greenbrier Pawn.
We Know What Your Gun is Worth at Greenbrier Pawn
When you’re selling a firearm, it’s important to work with a buyer who knows what they’re doing. This is critical for a couple of reasons. For one thing, someone who is experienced in the gun industry will be more aware of what your gun is worth. Secondly, a licensed gun dealer with experience and a good reputation will be well-aware of the most recent and relevant laws related to the transaction. At Greenbrier Pawn, we know what your gun is worth…and we’d love to pay you accordingly!
Sell a Firearm for More at a Trusted Pawn Shop in Chesapeake
Selling to a reputable gunbroker is important when you’re selling something like a firearm. You’ll want to be sure the transaction is handled in a safe, legitimate and legal manner, of course. Plus, you’ll probably feel more comfortable dealing with a gun buyer you can trust.
That’s why you should visit Greenbrier Pawn in Chesapeake, Virginia. We have been known around the Hampton Roads area since the 1990s, and we have built up a strong reputation and a long list of satisfied customers over the years. We’d love to make you another one of our satisfied, loyal customers. We offer friendly service, fast transactions, transparent business dealings & great deals. There’s no reason to take risks when selling a firearm…you can come see us instead.
Fast, Free, Zero-Obligation Offers on Firearms Today!
If you’re still trying to decide whether you want to sell your gun, you might be wondering how much you’ll get for it. You deserve to get an answer before you make a final decision on whether you want to sell or not. We offer fast, free, zero-obligation offers on firearms every day that we’re open, so you have nothing to lose, except for just a few minutes of your time. Why not come see us, and get an offer you can’t refuse? Not sure if you’re ready to sell…that’s fine…walk out with your firearm, without owing us a dime. Once you find out how much we pay for pre-owned firearms, though, we think you’ll be interested in making a deal on the spot!
You can sell your firearm for more money…all you have to do is visit the right place! Greenbrier Pawn is here to serve you. Making you happy is our top goal…and this includes making you a great offer on your firearm. We’re also fully transparent and more than happy to answer your questions about how we value your firearm, how the selling process works and more. Interested in a pawn loan on a gun instead? We can help you with that, too! Just visit or call us at 757-382-9066.
In Virginia Beach and want to sell your firearm for top dollar? Visit our sister store, Hilltop Pawn Shop & Jewelry. You can call us at Hilltop Pawn at 757-769-7254.