A pawn shop loan makes it easy for you to take out a top dollar cash loan against a piece of jewelry or some other form of collateral. Many people aren't really aware of these types of loans and the fact that they make it really easy for you to borrow fast cash when you need it the most. If you haven't taken advantage of the pawn industry and its easy loans before, you probably have a lot of questions. Namely, you might be wondering just how much you can borrow if you take out a new loan today. This depends entirely on the pawn shop you work with and the items of value you bring in to secure your loan. The average pawnshop loan is around $150, but you can borrow much more or much less, depending on your needs and the resale value of your collateral.

Get the Biggest Pawn Shop Loan at the Right Pawn Store: Greenbrier Pawn
Visiting a pawn broker that values your collateral at a higher rate allows you to take out bigger collateral loans. If you're looking for the biggest cash loans, just come see us at Greenbrier Pawn Shop, where we can give you so much more than the average pawn shop loan!
Bring Us the Right Valuable Items, Borrow More Money
Maybe you aren't interested in borrowing small amounts of money...instead, you might be hoping to borrow the highest dollar amount! We get it! All you have to do to make this happen is bring us collateral that is worth a higher amount of money. For many of our customers, this means diamond jewelry, modern video game consoles, high-end musical instruments, Rolex watches, firearms, and more.
Also, remember that you can bring more than one item if you want to borrow more money with one of our financial products! Bring one pawned item or several...you'll get fast access to cash! We offer the best way to borrow money when you need it, and once you try this type of short-term loan, you'll probably never look into other quick loan options again!
Come Get a Pawn Shop Loan for $5 to $50,000 Today!
You don't have to keep wondering how much you can borrow with a pawn shop loan...you can get answers in a very short time. Just take the quick and easy drive to our Chesapeake pawn store, and we'd love to determine the appraised value of the item of value that you bring in, then offer you a quick cash loan. The loan process is fast...all you need is one or more valuable items to secure your loan and a government form of identification.
You can take out no credit check personal loans for a fair price at Greenbrier Pawn Shop & Jewelry in Chesapeake, and we think you'll be shocked by just how fast and easy it is to take out these bad credit loans! We also think you'll be impressed by the loan amount you're granted and the simple repayment terms, which are listed on your pawn ticket and can be explained to you by our helpful staff. Located elsewhere in Hampton Roads? Visit our Virginia Beach sister store, Hilltop Pawn Shop & Jewelry. We've done many, many pawn transactions across both of our stores over the years, and we'd love to become your new favorite collateral loan brokers when you need instant cash!