Pawn shop loans from pawn shops like Greenbrier Pawn are a great way to borrow money, regardless of your credit score. If you have maxed out credit cards, are having trouble qualifying for a bank loan or a loan from one of the credit unions, and are thinking about taking out payday loans as a last resort, we urge you to reconsider your other options. As your local pawn broker, we make it easy for you to avoid other financial institutions. Come take out a pawn transaction based on the value of the item that you'll be using as collateral. Greenbrier Pawn is a great place to borrow money when you need it the most, and we never care about what's on your credit report.
1. Greenbrier Pawn Makes the Biggest Pawn Shop Loans
You might already know that a pawn shop loan is the best option for your financial situation. What you might not know is where you should go for your pawn loan. If you're looking for the best options in Chesapeake, visit Greenbrier Pawn. A lot of people in Chesapeake know us as the best local pawn shop, and we grant some of the biggest pawn shop loans. In fact, we make loans from $5 to $50,000, and our knowledgeable staff always offer a higher value loan based on the value of your collateral. If you want to borrow more than the average pawn shop loan, and if you're hoping to have the best experience along the way, come see our in-store experts at Greenbrier Pawn Shop & Jewelry.
2. Use Many Items of Value for Pawn Shop Loans
You can use a variety of items as collateral for our financial products. Are you wondering about the best collateral? Well, since the amount you can borrow depends on the item's value, we recommend bringing in more valuable items like diamond jewelry, firearms, and so on if you're hoping to take out a bigger loan. However, you can also use electronics, musical instruments, video game consoles, power tools, and various other items to borrow money. Call our local store if you have questions about what we take!
3. There's No Credit Check or Application for Pawn Shop Loans
If you are looking for a hassle-free way to borrow money, a pawn shop loan will probably be the best option. Unlike with a traditional loan, we don't ask you to fill out an application for a pawnshop loan. Bad credit doesn't matter, you don't have to have a bank account, and we never ask about your employment history or income. We also don't report defaulted loans to the credit bureaus. All we look at -- whether you're hoping to borrow small amounts of money, or if you are hoping to take out a much bigger loan -- is the value of the valuable item that you bring in as collateral. It's one of the best things about collateral-based loans...these short-term loans are an option for pretty much everyone, and they couldn't really be any easier.
4. You Can Borrow Quick Cash With Pawn Shop Loans
With pawn transactions, you can borrow money fast for anything that you might need to use it for. You can borrow as much money as you need, as long as you bring in the collateral to back the loan. If getting money fast is what suits your financial needs, this is the perfect type of short-term loan for you!
5. Pawn Shop Loans are State-Regulated in Virginia
A loan from a pawn store is state-regulated. This is the case in all 50 states. This means that you don't have to worry about the absurd interest charges that you can expect from title loans and payday loans. Instead, when you visit a pawn shop for a cash advance, you can expect fair and transparent repayment terms and lower interest rates than what you will find with many sub-prime lenders.
Are you looking for a cash loan? If you are looking into your different short-term loan options, just visit one of our local pawn stores for a pawn shop loan. In particular, consider Greenbrier Pawn for your pawn shop loans. We will make you a great deal on collateral loans, and you can get your cash today! Do you have questions? Don't hesitate to stop by and chat with our friendly staff, or give us a call at 757-382-9066. We are here and ready to chat with you about pawnshop loans and our other services!