Pawn shop loans are useful anytime that you need some extra quick cash. With the holidays approaching, you could be working on your budget and wondering how you're going to pull everything off. It's no secret that having to buy Christmas decorations, gifts for family and friends, groceries for Christmas dinner, and so on can put a strain on the budget. You don't have to stress about how you'll pay for the holidays, nor do you have to resort to predatory payday loans. Instead, consider the cash loans offered by pawn shops like Greenbrier Pawn!
Greenbrier Pawn Offers Pawn Shop Loans for the Holidays
Greenbrier Pawn is one of the best pawn stores in Hampton Roads, and we can help you through the holidays in a few ways. Come see us if you're looking for affordably priced fine jewelry to buy as a gift. As your local pawn broker, we can also help you with a loan. It's one of the best options for borrowing money that will put you in the right financial situation for the holiday season.
All you have to do is bring in an item of value. We'll assess the value of the item, and we'll make you a loan based on that value. A pawn transaction from your local pawn shop is a fast and easy way to borrow money. You don't need a bank account, and you don't have to fill out an application. There is also no credit check or impact on your credit report. All you need is a driver's license or ID and something valuable, ranging from diamond jewelry to power tools and beyond. Our loan contracts are simple to understand and fully transparent, and you can use a variety of items of value to take out a typical pawn loan. These financial products are useful all year long, but they're particularly useful during the holiday season!
Tips for Taking Out Your Pawn Shop Loan
Is it your first time taking out a pawn shop loan? The first step is to look for higher value items in your home that you don't mind going without for a few weeks. This helps you choose the best collateral. We accept various items of value, and we don't charge anything to perform a visual inspection and make you a loan offer, so if you're in doubt, bring your item in to our local store. Our knowledgeable staff will help you with your loan!
The average pawn shop loan is around $150, but you might need more than that to get through the holiday season. Since the value of your collateral impacts the value of your loan, bring your more valuable items -- or bring multiple items -- if you want to take out a bigger loan!
If you have unwanted gold or other unwanted items, you can sell them instead of taking out a loan! We offer a hassle-free way to sell your items for Christmas cash.
If you need longer than the full loan term to repay your loan, don't worry! Come in and pay your interest rates and fees, and extend your loan for another 30 days.
Be careful about using items with sentimental value. Since you'll lose your item if you don't repay your loan, it's important to be careful about what you bring in if you aren't completely sure that you'll be able to repay your loan.
Let us know if you have questions! Offering excellent service is what we do, so we're more than happy to assist you in any way possible.
Keep your pawn ticket! You can refer to it later for information about your due date and the amount you have to repay. Bringing it in will help speed up the process of us looking up your loan, too.
The holidays can be very expensive. If you're worried about how you're going to pay for gifts, holiday parties, decorations, and the various other expenses that go along with the holiday season, we want to help! Visit us today, and we'd be more than happy to explain our pawnshop loans to you. You can get a cash loan on your valuable items today!